Frequent Asked Questions / Howto's

Frequent Asked Questions

How do I get in contact with you?

Number Plate Systems (Pty) Ltd
Contact: 083 564 6366
Rooihuiskraal, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Contact us on any of these platforms.

What is the NP Tracker Project?

NP Tracker started off to help my local community to store suspect vehicles and evolve from the local spreadsheet approach, we soon realised that a central database was needed between our communities and groups. Today we scan and monitor all major crime-fighting initiatives and groups in and around South Africa.

Why is low volume use and enquiries FREE?

We decided early on that we need to do something in South Africa to stop/limit crime and not exclude the individuals that can and want to do something. Concluding our platform is open and FREE for low volume usage (Donations is welcomed) however medium to high usage users are charged a minimum fee to maintain our services.

What is NPS-API for?

NPS-API is our API where existing LRP systems can intergrate to to include the National Suspect Vehicle Database see What is NP Tracker.

How can you HELP?

Help and assistance are always welcome get in contact with us or Donate to our cause.

What is Telegram?

Telegram is a free cloud-based instant messaging service. Telegram clients exist for both mobile (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Ubuntu Touch) and desktop systems (Windows, macOS, Linux). Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers and files of any type.

Token usage explained

All enquiries to the NPSCLOUD services are token based, each user gets limited FREE tokens each month, tokens do not carry over as unused tokens expires at the end of the month.

ApplicationActionToken cost
NPS-LICence Disk Scanner
Licence Disk Scan
More Info
(VIN decoding and checking)

ApplicationActionToken cost
Drivers licence scan
ID Card Scan
Licence Disk Scan
Including VIN decoding

ApplicationActionToken cost
This site
Registration lookup
Lookout description search

NOTE Lookups on own hotlist does not cost a token.

ApplicationActionToken cost
Telegram BOT's

Can someone please help me as i would like to know more how the cloud and things work?

Our products and projects include:

NPS-CLOUD - Main user interface to access and manage online real-time information, manage own private hotlist of registration numbers and authorized users, generate reports etc etc.
NPS-ANPR - Software suit running on a Raspberry PI and camera combo to detect vehicle number plates, test it against the NP Tracker database of suspect and suspicious vehicles and upload detected plates to NPS-CLOUD.
NP Tracker - The first crowd-sourced OPEN suspect vehicle incident management system.
NPS-VCR - A reverse lookup database displaying information for vehicle Make, Model, Type, Colour based on the supplied vehicle VIN. Accessible through the NPS-Licence disk scanner, NPS-ACCESS, NPS-SADL and Telegram BOT (@NPTrackerBOT, @FreemirrorBOT etc) products.

API Endpoints:

Android applications:

NPS-Licence Disk scanner - South African vehicle licence disk scanner app (Android only) - Test vehicle information against the NP Tracker database, decode VIN and display image of the vehicle, test against the NPS-VCR database and display Make/Model/Colour for the scanned VIN and uploads information to NPS-CLOUD.
NPS-ACCESS - Visitor management scanner capable of scanning vehicle licence disk, ID and/or Drivers licence cards test vehicles against the NP Tracker database and uploads information to NPS-CLOUD.
NPS-SADL - White labelled capable demo application plus source code third-party integrators can use to scan/decode Vehicle Licence Disks, ID and Drivers Licence Cards.

Telegram platform BOT code bases:

@NPTrackerBOT - Main BOT used by users to enquire and add suspect vehicle reports on vehicles based on vehicle number plates - capable of doing ANPR on submitted photos - inquire the NP Tracker suspect database (and private hotlist see NPS-CLOUD) and display the NPS-VCR report.
@NPSCLOUDBOT - User interface to the NPS-CLOUD platform.
@FreemirrorBOT (White-labeled option available) - Group management BOT used by group administrators to manage groups and group communications linked to @GroupjoinerBOT, NPS-CLOUD, NP Tracker.
@GroupjoinerBOT - Lists and display applicable groups based on users location works in conjunction with @FreemirrorBOT.
@Socialprints_BOT (White-labeled option available) - User management BOT users are placed in virtual groups based on location contact us to get access to our demo BOT plus backend control pages.
Customized Telegram BOT(s) development ranging from user verification bots to payment gateway integration - contact us if you have a specific requirement.

If you need more specific questions answered please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please add @FreemirrorBOT -our scanning BOT- to your Telegram group.

Hotlist related

The brown fox...

Android scanner FAQ

You link the scanner to your NPS-CLOUD account by scanning the barcode on your account with the scanner you want to link ie:

  1. Open from a desktop PC (if you do not have one use another phone or see copy token code to scanner)
  2. Scan the barcode displayed on your dashboard with your scanner and your scanner will be linked to your account.
Copy token code manually : (Not needed if you scanned the barcode as above)
Alternatively copy the token code from the Scanner Token page [NPS-LIC & NPS-ACCESS -> Scanner Token] - The long string below the barcode and paste it in your scanner setting page under Scanner access token. related

Select Sub-projects in the left side menu items. Now select Plugins.
Select the Enable Plugin button to enable all available plugins for your account.

Select Sub-projects in the left side menu items. Now select Plugins.
Select the plugin control page you want to view ie. [Freemirror Plugin] or [Partition Plugin] if the buttons are not enabled enable them as in per Enable plugins for your account.

See section Logon to the socialprints for your account.
Go down to the Group Management section and if no key is available, generate one by clicking on [Generate New Token] ps the key will be .... AUTH key (XxXxXxXx) - DO NOT REPLY copy this text and paste it in a group where the BOT is already part of. Ones successful a message will be posted to the group by the bot informing that the group have been added to the group management control panel. All vehicle number plates mentioned on authorised groups will be listed under your npscloud account Hotlist->Incidents section for record keeping purposes.

See section Authorising the communication BOT on your telegram group.
Go to the Group Management section and select the group that you want to setup. Ones in the group that needs to be scanned go to the Message scan and notify settings section and enter a comma separated keyword list that will be used when examining messages on this group. Selecting any other pre-authorized group to send the notification to if any of the keywords have been detected in the monitored group. Settings is saved when you click Update Settings.

See section Authorising the communication BOT on your telegram group.
Go to the Group Management section and select the group that you want to setup.
Ones in the group that needs to be scanned go to the Message scan and notify settings section and enter a keyword that will be used by the BOT to NOT scan message for a number plate to add ie keyword duty will inform the BOT to skip and NOT add the plate in the hotlist users so the following message will NOT be added as a lookout: "Romeo seven report for duty will be driving White Chev Reg ABC123GP.". Settings is saved when you click Update Settings.

See section Authorising the communication BOT on your telegram group.
Go to the Group Management section and select the group that you want to setup.
Ones in the group that needs to be scanned go to the Notify telegram user/groupid if message contains flagged plate on NP Tracker section.
Enter the user or group ID that need to be notified if a message contains a plate that have a previous report on the NP Tracker dataset.
Settings is saved when you click Update Settings.
Note: Group IDs is available under the groups information section in the group control page.
User ID is the the Telegram ID for the user (Available if the user send command /whoami to either the @FreemirrorBOT or PartitionBOT)